Nurse Practitioners

Qualified nurse independent prescribers are able to prescribe any licensed medicine for any medical condition within their competence, including some controlled drugs.  Valkyrie Surgery have two qualified prescribing nurses and they may be able to help you rather than waiting for a GP appointment.  The Receptionist will be able to guide you to an appropriate appointment.

Nurse Amanda Dean


Practice nurses are qualified and registered nurses. They can help with health issues such as family planning, healthy living advice, blood pressure checks and dressings. The practice nurses run clinics for long-term health conditions such as asthma or diabetes, minor ailment clinics and carry out cervical smears.
Nurse Caroline Wilson
Nurse Clare Lander
Nurse Mini Philip
Nurse Janet Velmurugan
Nurse Lauren Asling

Healthcare Assistants

Healthcare assistants support practice nurses with their daily work and carry out tasks such as phlebotomy (drawing blood), blood pressure measurement and new patient checks. They may act as a chaperone when a patient or doctor requests one.
Lianne Morrell
Amanda Williams
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